Happy Birthday Mick Jagger
I hope to continue to play music well into my 70s just like you.
I hope to continue to play music well into my 70s just like you.
Just announced, and less than 2 weeks away. We ain’t played there since last September so this is looking to be a fun night. We […]
Listen to Extermination Angel and Vorzug at my ReverbNation page
Another killer Extermination Angel gig in a couple of weeks! https://www.facebook.com/events/162755987733797/ ObeisanceViolent, unholy, occult, speed metalFrom: Hell Paso TX.https://obeisance.bandcamp.com/album/lucifer-master SivadSatanic black metal From: Tennesse https://sivadmetal.bandcamp.com/track/the-draconian-womb Satanik Goat […]